
adrenaline test

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what is adrenaline?

Adrenaline is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands (specifically from the medulla in the adrenaline glands) and from some of the neurons in the central nervous system. Adrenaline is usually secreted when we are in a stressful situation; it is said to regulate our "fight or flight response" conditions. When we encounter a situation that is quite stressful for us, this hormone rushes to some parts of our body, creating a response in us, this is known as an adrenaline rush. For example, while dryness of throat during a public speaking experience or fast beating of the heart when in a fearful situation are all because of the release of adrenaline hormone. When the stress gradually subsides, its effect is neutralised by the nor-adrenaline hormone of the body.

what is an adrenaline test?

An adrenaline test is performed on a sample of blood or on a sample of urine to measure the level of adrenaline secretion and diagnose whether it is normal for the body. A discrepancy of the resultant level with the standard adrenaline level might be indicative of some serious problems.

why should you take adrenaline test?

The adrenaline test is usually recommended because of the following reasons:

• This is suggested to people who are suspected of having dysfunction of adrenal glands.

• To help in the evaluation and diagnosis of certain hormonal disorders such as adrenal adenoma, Addison’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome or adrenal hyperplasia.

• The test is also performed to confirm Ganglioneuroma Tumor and Ganglioblastoma Tumor. If the patient already has these, the test helps evaluate the situation and aid in its treatment.

what are the excess adrenaline symptoms?

The symptoms that point towards an excess adrenaline level in your blood are as follows:

• Sudden and excessive weight loss or weight gain (especially in the abdomen and facial region)

• Muscle weakness

• Depression, anxiety attacks, and excess stress

• Sleep disturbances

• Acne, pimples and rashes in skin

• Purple skin stretch marks

• Irregular periods in women

• Facial and body hair in women

what is the normal adrenaline level?

The normal range of adrenaline level in blood should be less than 900 pg/ml.

what is the cost of adrenaline test?

The price of the test ranges approximately from Rs. 3200 to Rs. 3500.

how should you prepare for adrenaline test?

There are no specific preparations required for the Adrenaline test as such. But certain medicines and drugs can affect its level, and that might be reflected in the test results. Therefore, if you are on some medication, make sure you convey that to your doctor and take his or her advice before you head for the test. Depending on your conditions, the doctor will give you instructions.

how is the sample collected?

The sample for testing the adrenaline level is usually in the form of blood or urine. It is collected in the following ways:

• Blood Test: A sample of blood (approximately 5 ml) is collected or drawn from a vein usually in the arm (usually elbow or arm muscle)

• Urine Test: For most accurate results, urine is collected in special containers at specific times of the day.

The samples are then sent to the laboratory and examination is conducted on them.

how are the results interpreted?

If the adrenaline level in the test result is between 0 and 900 pg/ml, there is nothing to worry about as this is the normal adrenaline level. If it exceeds 900 pg/ml, however, it is a matter of concern and requires medical attention as soon as possible.

what are the effects of adrenaline on the heart?

Adrenaline has the following effects on the contractions of the heart:

• It shortens the isometric contraction phase

• The speed of the acceleration is increased

• helps in the systolic emptying of one ventricle of the heart

• The amplitude of pulse pressure is accelerated

• Diastolic pressure is lowered

how is adrenaline used as treatment?

If the adrenaline level in blood is too low, it is often injected artificially to treat a host of problems.

what are the side effects of excess adrenaline?

Excess adrenaline in blood naturally or mostly injected into blood has the following side effects:

• Excessive sweating

• Unnecessary weakness

• Panting of the heart

• Frequent headaches

• Shakiness while walking or grasping something

• Feelings of nervousness, excitement or anxiety frequently

• Dizziness

• Nausea

how can we help?

We as a team believe in healing at home. We would visit your home to collect samples required for the test, get the test done and arrange for highly qualified doctors right at your doorstep. We can ensure that you receive the best quality Healthcare Services right at home.


The adrenaline test is thus administered to find out the level of the adrenaline hormone in the blood and detect the abnormality in its level if any. This information is further utilised to treat a number of health complications arising because of the abnormal adrenaline level.