
total protein test

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what is the total protein test?

There are two types of protein in the human body, namely albumin and globulin. Total protein test is a test that checks and measures the total amount of both these proteins in the body. It is a routine fitness test that can help determine whether the levels of protein in your body are adequate or if you have symptoms of weight loss, kidney issues or liver disease.

Proteins are the most important building blocks of tissues and cells. They are also necessary for facilitating the growth of the body, its development and the overall health. The human blood contains both globulin and albumin and the albumin protein plays a role in ensuring the fluid does not leak out of the blood vessels. Globulin ensures that the body's immune system is healthy and strong.

total protein test purpose:

The total protein test is part of the regular health checkup done in many clinics and hospitals. It is one of the tests that constitute the Comprehensive Medical Panel or CMP. It can be ordered and undertaken for the following reasons:

• Tiredness and fatigue

• Unexplained weight loss

• Extra fluid in the tissues, known as oedema

• Kidney or liver disease symptoms

A total protein test helps measure the total amount of protein present in the blood and looks specifically for globulin and albumin. The test is also known as the A/G ratio.

protein total procedure:

The total protein procedure involves a blood sample that is analysed inside a laboratory. The technician will draw blood from the patient via a vein the arm or somewhere in the back of the hand. They will clean the site with the help of an antiseptic wipe and wrap a band around the arm to apply pressure to the area.

Then, a needle will be gently inserted, and the blood will collect into a tube that is attached somewhere to the needle. Once full, the needle, as well as the bank, are removed from the arm, and the doctors will put pressure to stop bleeding.

For small children or infants, a device known as the lancet is utilised to puncture the skin and the blood collects in a pipette or a test strip before heading onto the slide. A bandage over the area helps in preventing any bleeding.

total protein test preparation:

There is no real "preparation" required before undergoing the total protein test. The doctors will help in providing information regarding the foods and drinks you must avoid before the test.

Taking medications could affect the results of the total protein test. Talk to the doctor about medications before proceeding with the test. The list of medications which can affect the results of the test include:

• Androgens

• Corticosteroids

• Steroids

• Dextran

• Insulin

Growth Hormone

• Phenazopyridine


• estrogen

• Ammonium ions

• Birth control pills

total protein risks:

There could be moderate to slight pain or discomfort after the test, mainly because it is an invasive procedure. There are minimal risks but some of them that could be present include:

• Feeling light-headed or feeling like fainting

• Bleeding that could be excessive

• Hematoma development, meaning blood can gather under your skin

• Infections, if the skin's surface is broken

total protein results:

The total protein's normal range is anywhere between 6 to 8.3 gms per decilitre, and this varies amongst different laboratories such as:

• Gender

• Population

• Test method

• Age

The total protein level measurement in the body may increase during the pregnancy phase.

If the levels of total protein are abnormal, certain tests must be performed to help identify if a specific protein is high or low before making a diagnosis on the same.

A higher level of protein may be an indicator of:

• Bone marrow disorders like Waldenstrom's disease or multiple myeloma

• Inflammation diseases or infections such as hepatitis C or B, or even HIV

A low protein level may be due to:

• Liver disorders

• Bleeding

• Malnutrition

• Disorders in the kidney such as glomerulonephritis or nephrotic disorders

• Malabsorption conditions such as inflammatory bowel or the celiac disease

• Extensive burns

• Inflammatory conditions

• Post-surgery recovery that is delayed

• Agammaglobulinemia which is a condition where the globulin affects the strength of your immune system

A level of low albumin is considered anywhere below 3.4 g/dL. It is related to the effectiveness of medicines used in the reduction of ulcerative colitis, and low levels may also result in certain complications after or during surgery as well.

the a/g ratio:

The A/G ratio is slightly higher than one normally. If it is too high or low, there is a need for additional testing to determine the diagnosis and the cause of the same. If the ratio remains low, it can be due to:

• Multiple myeloma

• Cirrhosis

• Kidney disease

• Autoimmune disease

The high A/G ratio can be a reason for leukaemia or genetic deficiencies and it is important that you check the results for the doctors.

how can we help?

We provide the best training for the total protein test with the best trainers and equipment at Portea. Enquire with us, and we'll provide you with all you need to get the best A/G reading.