
newborn baby care tips

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careful with baby care

Babies are pure souls, and the vibe around them is just magical. Many may find them naughty, cranky, funny, fussy or cute. But they are a mixture of emotions. They are like cute and funny toys with life in them. Playing with a baby is a stress buster and makes you feel happy. However, taking care of them needs responsibility, awareness and high alertness. You have to be on your toes doing multitasking at a different level always. Here are a few things to know about newborns and how to be careful with them. 

what should you know to kick start easy?

A newborn is like a little flower to be handled with care. Soon after the baby comes out of the womb, it cries. The crying can continue for some time which the doctors will take care of. But what we should know is, the baby might cry for no reason also. Remember you’re working for a baby that won’t give you any rewards until the first six weeks. But not to worry, you’ll get double credit later on. 

Balance your emotions too. You might have heavy mood swings and will be physically drained when it comes to newborn baby care. But do not give up and keep going as it is going to get better as days pass by. No mom is an expert and knows all about newborn baby caring. It’s just your level of endurance, patience and positivity that you have to hold to go easy. So always be alert, expect the worst and be prepared for anything that comes your way. Initially, your gynecologist will guide you and then the pediatrician. All you have to do is buckle up and learn quickly about parenting tips to get along with the rhythm of the newborn. 


We have a set of questions that new moms usually ask and have the best solutions for them too. It is not necessary that you have to use the same way to calm your baby. Try some of these, and they might be of great support and relief.

1. How does one know for what reason the baby cries?

Well, technically, babies can’t speak. So crying is a way they communicate with you. Sometimes the baby might feel hungry, and so they cry. Feed them if they are hungry. If you have just fed them and the crying has started again, they might have felt cold or have a dirty diaper. These conversations between the baby and you can be tough and frustrating initially but trust me, you will get used to it very soon.

2. How long do they sleep?

Newborns sleep a lot initially. They wake up every now and then to feed but mostly sleep all through the day. You might also not be getting enough sleep because the baby requires milk every two to three hours. It can drain you off but don’t worry. It is going to get better as the baby grows. The best you can do is sleep while the baby sleeps to gather some energy for yourself.

3.Should I feed them when they cry?

Crying can be due to many reasons. But make it a routine to feed your baby every two to three hours. During the day, if the baby sleeps for more than three hours, make sure you wake them up for the feed. The time duration can be prolonged up to four or five hours during the nights. Your pediatrician will let you know if your baby is getting enough feed after checking the baby’s weight. You can also ask your pediatrician your doubts and some new born baby care tips for easier handling of the baby.

4. How can I put them to sleep?

Babies love it when they are swaddled. It is more or less the same action when it is in the womb of the mother. They sleep more soundly when they are swaddled. It is a magical technique that can put your baby to sleep faster.

5. What should I do for dry skin?

Dry skin is never a problem, and you need not worry about it. It is just that the baby has been fully immersed in liquid in the mother’s womb for nine long months and is suddenly exposed to air, making their skin dry. But there is nothing to worry about. The dead skin will wither off soon, and they’ll be fine. 

6. Can I comb the soft spot?

Yes, you can comb the soft spot on the head gently. The soft spot helps the baby come off the birth canal easier. But make sure nobody else touches the soft spot as it is feeble and directly covered by blood vessels covering the brain.

7. When will the umbilical cord fall off?

The umbilical cord falls off usually in two weeks. Try and keep the umbilical cord dry so that it falls faster. Do not bathe the baby, instead give sponge baths until the cord falls off. There is a chance of mild bleeding once the cord falls off, but it is completely normal.

8. When will the baby smile?

We know that many new moms are super excited about their babies and wait for them to smile back at them every day. The baby needs at least 6 full weeks to smile back at you. The major factor here is the identification of the person in front. Once the baby starts identifying you, it will automatically smile back and sometimes keep staring at you with wonder. Your efforts never go in vain, and the baby will soon feel the attachment towards you. That is why some babies like to be always held. They start to feel the attachment. 

how do you take care of a newborn baby?

Other small care tips for new born baby that could be useful are, enjoy the process and take it as a once in a lifetime experience. Try being normal and you don’t have to stay indoors always. Go to malls and parks with your baby once in a while. Stay alert and use your common sense when you’re outside. Avoid sick people to prevent unnecessary infection. Wash your hands before you touch your baby. Teach the people at home and visitors to do the same. Teach older siblings to touch the baby’s feet instead of touching its face and eyes. This might balance out things well. Keep the house clean always. 

most essential things a newborn baby needs

Baby care tips can be different for all. You might have a different skill to calm your baby quicker. But make sure you are aware of the most common baby care tips for new moms to lessen the stress. Consult your pediatrician about keeping the baby in the sun for a few minutes daily to get rid of jaundice. Some birthmarks last lifelong, and some disappear in a few months. Protect your baby from mosquitoes and ants. Make sure you use a nice mosquito net to restrict them from biting the baby. Make a list of things needed for newborn baby like a small bed, cotton diapers, socks, hand gloves etc., and purchase them to keep your baby comfortable. 

Content is medically reviewed by: Dr Renu Raina Sehgal (Advisory Panel, Portea), Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Robotic Surgery

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Special thanks to Ms.Gayathri who is taking care of my baby currently. The staff is polite and calm in handling situations and taking care of my baby’s need.



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