all about neuro physiotherapy

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How To

neuro physiotherapy

Nerve related disorders often leave you with limited strength or may even confine you to your bed permanently. This may lead to a scenario where you need to depend on others for day to day activities, and this might affect you emotionally and psychologically (isn’t independence our fundamental right?). To cope with such lifestyle changing ailments, Neuro physiotherapy is an option which you should give serious thought to. This sort of therapy deals with problems such as loss of function of the limbs, uncoordinated movements, spasticity (stiffness of muscles caused by constant spasms, commonly seen in cerebral palsy patients among others) resulting in the impairment of movement and speech, effects of nerve compression etc. To increase physical and logistic convenience, Neurophysiotherapy sessions are now being made available at your home. This shall save you the time, energy and inconvenience of visiting the therapist at his/her clinic.

what is neurophysiotherapy?

Neurophysiotherapy refers to the type of physiotherapy that exclusively targets the treatment of your neurological and neuromuscular issues. This involves exercises to optimise the functioning of the affected body parts, pain management, posture correction1, relaxing stiffened muscles and many other aspects of neuropathy. This form of therapy works to rehabilitate and restore the best possible condition of your body and provide you with optimum mobility. Neurophysiotherapy is the conglomeration of neuroscience, exercise and movement science that gives you the best chance to a normal healthy life without any physical restrictions.

conditions that require neurophysiotherapy

You should consult a neurophysiotherapist to combat conditions that limit your mobility and functioning caused due to neurological issues. Some of the common neurological conditions that restrict your mobility and functional movement are –

  • Stroke, CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident) or TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) caused by the irregular supply of blood to the brain due to any obstruction.
  • Spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries.
  • Multiple sclerosis2 an autoimmune disease that is gender biased and affects women two three times more than it does to men (as if women didn’t have enough problems already). Here the myelin (insulating and protective sheet on the nerve cells) gets disrupted. This causes changes in vision, numbness, tingling or weakness, dizziness, muscle spasticity among many other problems.
  • Parkinson’s disease3 is a slow progressing ailment. As people grow old the neurotransmitter that is responsible for coordinating muscle movements is secreted less and this results in a problem regulating body movements.

5 benefits of neurophysiotherapy at home

  • Your appointment with the therapist becomes a fussy affair as you have to wait for someone to take you to the clinic. Oh how you wish to have your independence back every time you ask for the favour. Turn the table around; don’t let your physical limitations prevent you from being self-reliant. Avail your neuro physiotherapy sessions at home as per your convenience.
  • Having your neurophysiotherapist come to your home will avoid the physically taxing trips to the clinic. Bumpy roads (after all Indian roads!) may prove to be harmful for certain neurology related conditions such as slip discs (where your back pain may get aggravated). All of this can be done away with if your therapist comes to you instead.
  • Who does not enjoy being in their own comfort zones? And what a treat it shall be if your healing process happens in the luxury of your blissful niche. The therapist shall come to you and attend to your needs individually. This shall act like a catalyst to your healing process as you will feel more comfortable and at ease being in your familiar surroundings. A person heals better when he is in his comfort zone.
  • When the therapist visits your home, you are his primary concern. He shall be able devote personal attention and time towards you and deal with your issues better. Take your time to get comfortable with the person as good communication ensures psychological healing as well.
  • The therapist gets to know you better when he visits you at home. Your daily routine, living conditions, your work pressure everything can be assessed better by your therapist and he can then come up with a therapy program that would best fit your needs. A home visit gives you the advantage of letting the physiotherapist know all aspects of your ailment. Mention when the issue started, under what circumstances, your lifestyle prior to the ailment and what you wish to achieve through your sessions. Try to communicate about your sensations such as pain, numbness etc. This will help your therapist to  better understand your condition and provide an effective solution.

Give your body the proper care and attention it deserves. Let the Neurophysiotherapist bridge the gap between you and the physiotherapy clinic by visiting you at home and giving you the best assistance possible towards a speedy recovery.

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Nikhat Begum


I am a premium package member ( patient name: Nikhat Begum)

I just wanted to thank the customer support team. Especially Partha Sarthy, he has been extremely helpful ....

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Virginie BARON

To whom this letter of recommendation may concern.

Dear Sir,

I would like to share our very positive feedback concerning your business partner Vinay Venugopal.


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Uttam Kumar Jha

The physiotherapist behaved professionally and the service was good. Call center executives were also good at addressing my concerns Thank you Santosh You have honestly done your job here. I....

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