
immunoglobulin a test Test

Iga Test

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what is immunoglobulin?

Immunoglobulin is a protein that functions as an antibody and is produced by plasma cells and lymphocytes. Immunoglobulins play a crucial role in the body immune’s system as they attach themselves to foreign substances like bacteria and help in destroying them. Immunoglobulins can resides either on the peripherals of the cells or can circulate freely in the blood. When circulating the immunoglobulins are termed as antibodies. 


Immunoglobulins abbreviated as Ig are of different types called isotypes and there are five Immunoglobulin Isotypes namely IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM. These varied types of Immunoglobulins have different biological properties, functional locations and the ability to with different kinds of antigens.

immunoglobulin a or iga

IgA is mainly found in the mucosal area like in the gut, saliva, tears, breast milk, respiratory tract and the urogenital tract and helps in preventing colonisation by pathogens. IgA is found in two isotypes IgA 1 and IgA2, both these isotypes are glycosylated proteins and while IgA1 is predominantly found in serum and are called Serum IgA, IgA2 is mainly found in the secretions and is termed Secretory IgA2.


IgA antibodies constitute 10 to 15% of the total antibodies. These antibodies are produced by the immune system in response to the presence of varied bacteria, virus or disease in the body. However, due certain health conditions some people are not able to produce or produce very low amount of IgA antibodies resulting in IgA deficiency, which can result in autoimmune disorders, leukaemia, kidney disease and intestinal diseases; while in some people due to certain health conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, cirrhosis and hepatitis, the IgA antibodies levels are too high. This could be an indication of monoclonal Gammopathy that can transform in to a type of cancer called multiple myeloma.   

iga pathology

Autoimmune and immune – mediated


IgA nephropathy – is caused due to IgA deposits in the kidney.


Celiac Disease – is caused by the presence of IgA antiendomysial antibodies 


Henoch – Schonlein purpura (HSP) – it is a systemic disorder caused by IgA and complement component 3 deposits in the small vessels.


Linear IgA disease – Linear IgA disease is an IgA mediated immunobullous diseases

what is iga test/ what is immunoglobulin a test?

The Immunoglobulin Test or IgA test measures the amount of IgA antibodies in the blood. The IgA test can also be used for the screening of some autoimmune disorders and cancers. However, IgA tests are not too specific meaning they cannot pinpoint the cause of the IgA level fluctuations and is only used to assess the levels of antibodies and various other tests are used to together with it to find the root cause of the problem. 

when do you take iga test?

The Immunoglobulin Test is often advised by a doctor if the person is found to have infections, especially infection of the sinuses, lungs, stomach or intestines. The IgA test is also given in the following conditions;

  • Persistent Diarrhoea
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Fevers having no relatable causes
  • Skin rashes
  • Allergies
  • Illness after travelling
  • HIV/AIDS or multiple myeloma
  • IgA nephropathy symptoms

iga test procedure

IgA test is performed to assess the immune function. The test requires blood samples to be drawn out from the veins of the forearm.    

No special requirement is needed for the test.

immunoglobulin a normal range

The IgA normal range differs with age and the IgA normal range for an healthy adult is between 80 – 350 mg/dL.

immunoglobulin a test interpretation

If the Immunoglobulin A test shows high level of IgA antibodies then it could be an indication to the following conditions;

  • Allergies
  • Chronic infections
  • Autoimmune disorder like rheumatoid disorder, lupus or celiac disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Cancer such as lymphoma or leukaemia


Low levels of IgA  could be indicative of the following conditions;

  • Diabetes Complications
  • Kidney Disease or Kidney Failure

High or low levels of Immunoglobulins does not necessarily mean the presence of any one the above disease and a doctor should be consulted for better interpretation of the test results.

how can we help?

IgA test can be easily taken at home with our help as part of our at home healthcare services; wherein our representative would visit you at your home and collect the required blood sample. After which the IgA test results would be provided online for the patient’s use.   


Besides IgA test, you can also contact us for quality IgA treatment or IgA nephropathy treatment or any other disease treatment. So, if you need IgA test or treatment do give us a call and experience our superior quality at home healthcare services.