
new born baby and mother care at home

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what is the mother and baby care services program?

Pregnancy care comprises three parts: prenatal care, during pregnancy and postnatal care. While a lot of attention is given to prenatal care, postnatal care is equally important. In fact, postnatal is a difficult period and the new mother requires a lot of care, guidance and attention for the proper recovery and good health of both the mother and the child. Giving birth can be both an emotional and stressful period for a new mother. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) the first 24 hours after birth are most critical for both the baby and the mother and proper care and attention should be given to the new mother and the baby in this period.

Portea offers a carefully designed Kanga and Roo program. It is a postnatal care program that takes the workload and the worries away from the new parents. Parenthood is an overwhelming experience and in today’s world where couple’s are sometimes forced to live away from their families or have no family support in this critical period, they have to take care of the baby on their own. This translates into a lot of work and stress for the new parents, especially in the first few months which are critical for both the baby and the mother.

Under the Kanga and Roo program Portea assigns a medically trained caregiver to help the mother with newborn baby care and also offers after delivery care for mother.

when do you need us?

Through our newborn baby care service you can rely on us to offer you a comprehensive neonatal care and after pregnancy care by a highly trustful, caring and well trained caregiver. Our caregivers have themselves been mothers and as such are highly experienced in providing new born baby care and post delivery care. Some of the services in our Kanga and Roo program include:

New Mother Care

After the enlivening birthing process, several new mothers fall into postpartum depression. Emotional support and massage might help the mother recover and enjoy her motherhood. Post operative and after delivery care is very important for the new mother to make a full recovery. So if you are looking for supportive professional care for the mother then this program is for you.

New Born Baby Care

A new born baby is very delicate and needs special attention and care. A new mother often finds herself struggling during this period. To help the new mother take care of baby, our care givers are specifically trained to provide new born baby care and help with lactation, massages and postnatal exercises. So just book with us for a new born baby care service and enjoy your motherhood, while we do the hard work.

The Coming Home Service

After leaving the nursing home or hospital, you can avail of our coming home services that includes doctor visit during the first month, telephonic consultations with doctors and advisory support on lactation, nutrition and postnatal recovery. Our caregivers are also fully equipped with the knowledge to provide post delivery care to the mother and new born care.

tips for new mom at home

Becoming a mother is a great feeling. However, after giving birth to a baby, the new mothers might experience several emotions at a time. Especially when becoming a mother for the very first time, things are more challenging. Mothers may feel tired and go through several challenges. To make the journey of motherhood smooth and less stressful, here are some effective tips for moms.

  • Prepare a complete checklist – Get a checklist ready and list down all the items required for nursing and proper baby care.
  • Handle the newborn with care – Newborn babies are delicate. So, holding them with utmost care is vital. Make sure to support the head of the baby to prevent your child from experiencing any kind of discomfort.
  • Select the baby products wisely – Babies have sensitive skin that is easily prone to irritation and rashes. So, ensure that you are getting genuine skin care products that are free from harsh cleansing agents, strong fragrances, and artificial additives. Consult healthcare professionals to get information about the best brands for childcare products.
  • Breastfeed Your Baby – Breastfeed your newborn for at least three months. Make sure to feed your baby at regular intervals throughout the day.
  • Trim the Nails – The skin of babies is delicate. So, if they have long nails, there is a chance that they might end up hurting themselves. Trimming the nails of the babies regularly prevents any scratches due to long nails.
  • Choose Comfortable Clothes – Choose stretchable, soft, and easy-to-wear clothes for your child to ensure optimum comfort.
  • Know the Basics of Baby Cleaning – You can expect your baby to poop or pee at least 8 to 10 times a day. So, make sure to regularly check and change the dirty diaper of the baby to avoid any infections. 
  • Bond with the Baby – Try to develop a bond with the baby through eye contact, skin-to-skin contact, and meeting the needs of the baby. 

Following the above-listed advice for new parents will ensure the good health and well-being of the babies. 

how can we help?


The prime aim of the New Born Baby Care and Mother Care is to advise on planning of postnatal care, education and support required during the postnatal period A lot of care and attention is given to new born baby, which is indeed important and duly needed, although so is the importance of a post delivery care for the mother. A mother has undergone a sea of change and hence requires proper support and care. Not everyone has the luxury of family support and has to fend for themselves. It is here that new born baby care and mother care offered by Portea comes in handy. Under this service, the care giver provides optimum baby care along with providing proper emotional and physical support to the mother.

Kanga and Roo program will help you cope with:

  • The uncertainty of how best to care for your little one
  • The initial challenges of feeding and postoperative recovery
  • The complete change in life as you knew it before the delivery
  • Taking a little time off, while someone trusted takes care of your baby

things to expect from new born baby care and mother care

Newborn Bliss:

  • Breastfeeding Support: Our trained caregivers assist with latching, positioning, and milk supply, ensuring a smooth breastfeeding journey.
  • Personalized Care: We tailor routines and schedules to your baby’s unique needs, promoting healthy development and comfort.

Postpartum Recovery:

  • Mother Care: Gentle assistance with wound care, hygiene, and mobility helps ensure a comfortable and speedy recovery.
  • Emotional Support: We understand the emotional rollercoaster of new motherhood. Our caregivers offer compassionate support and guidance.

Always There for You:

  • Counseling: If needed, we connect you with qualified counselors to address any anxieties or challenges you might face.
  • Accessibility & Affordability: We offer flexible, 24/7 service plans at prices that fit your budget.

Embrace parenthood with Portea’s expert care for baby and mother care after delivery, ensuring both you and your baby thrive in this beautiful new chapter.

how to prepare for a new born baby care and mother care

Since this kind of service is not critical care like caring for any kind of illness, however, there are certain pointers that need to be kept in mind;

  • Prepare a list of concerns you need your caretaker to take care of.
  • Prepare a list of do’s and don’ts for the caregiver as she would also know what is acceptable and not acceptable to you.
  • Keep an open mind and be prepared to learn about the nuances of the baby health care.
  • Don’t panic and stress yourself out over baby care, the caregiver is optimally trained to provide a quality baby health care
  • Although being alert is always advisable, try to be a little trusting. Our caregivers have themselves been mothers and will be a trustworthy and reliable support to you.


– Visit 4 Hours            – Full Day 10 Hours

– Night 12 Hours        – Stay @Home 24 Hours

cost of postnatal services

The cost of postnatal services is rather affordable and offers value for money services.  There are a several insurance agencies that cover maternity expenses. Under the maternity benefit, insurance covers maternity related hospitalization up to 30 days before delivery and up to 60 days for post – hospitalization expenses. The coverage is also extended to infants if they are diagnosed with any congenital disease or any critical illness. The benefit limit for maternity and newborn baby claims are capped as per normal birth and Cesarean births.

With the advances in technology and the emergence of home health care services, it has become relatively easy for new parents to find reliable and trustworthy newborn baby and mother care at home, where they can be relaxed about the quality of baby healthcare and the post delivery care of the mother. So if you ever need a postnatal or new mother care at home, remember that we are just a click away.

why choose portea for your post-natal care?

Peace of Mind:

  • Expert Caregivers: We meticulously select caregivers with hospital-trained medical knowledge, ensuring your well-being and your baby’s optimal development.
  • Sensitivity Guaranteed: Our caregivers go beyond medical care, trained to address the emotional and practical needs of both mother and baby, fostering a nurturing home environment.
  • Empathy from Mothers: Each caregiver is a mother herself, bringing invaluable experience and understanding to guide you through this transitional period.

Unwavering Support:

  • Always There: We offer 24/7, 365-day care plans, providing constant support whenever you need it, day or night.
  • Trusted Partner: Leading hospitals choose Portea, endorsing our commitment to exceptional post-natal care.

Accessibility & Affordability:

  • Flexible & Budget-Friendly: We offer affordable options to suit your needs, ensuring top-quality care without breaking the bank.
  • Always Available: Our easy-to-reach staff simplifies the process, making it effortless to get the support you deserve.

Choose Portea and embark on your motherhood journey with confidence, knowing you have a team of experts dedicated to your well-being and your little one’s happy, healthy start for newborn baby care after birth at home.

portea’s other services

With Portea, you’re not just getting the best newborn baby and mother care at home; you’re gaining a partner in your journey to recovery and well-being. We also offer a range of superior healthcare services, including doctor consultations, medical equipment, nursing care, physiotherapy, diagnostics and dedicated trained attendants. Rely on us for top-tier healthcare solutions tailored to your requirements.

new born baby and mother care at home near me

With the availability of newborn baby and mother care at home service, you no longer need to stress yourself about visiting a clinic or hospital and aggravate the injury. Just Google “post pregnancy care near me” or “new born child care near me” and make an appointment with Portea. You will get the best caretakers to help you in getting your normal life back as soon as possible.

Content is medically reviewed by: Dr Renu Raina Sehgal (Advisory Panel, Portea), Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Robotic Surgery


Q – How do you take care of a newborn baby and mother?

Newborn & Mama Care in a Nutshell:


  • Feeding: Support breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, ensuring proper latch and intake.
  • Sleeping: Create a safe sleep environment and establish gentle sleep routines.
  • Diapering: Change diapers frequently, keeping the baby clean and comfortable.
  • Soothing: Respond to cries promptly, offering cuddles, calming techniques, and basic needs checks.


  • Recovery: Assist with postpartum care, hygiene, and pain management.
  • Feeding: Ensure proper nutrition and hydration to support healing and milk production.
  • Rest & Well-being: Encourage rest, provide emotional support, and address any concerns.

Remember, every baby and mother is unique. Adapt and personalize based on their specific needs and preferences! (49 words)

Q – What are the 4 basic needs of a newborn baby?

Four crucial pillars support a newborn’s well-being:

  1. Nourishment: Breastmilk or formula provides essential nutrients for growth and development.
  2. Warmth: Maintaining a comfortable body temperature regulates crucial bodily functions.
  3. Sleep: Adequate sleep fuels physical and neurological development, allowing your baby to recharge.
  4. Cleanliness: Regular diaper changes and gentle cleaning prevent infections and discomfort.

Q – How long will a caretaker for new born baby care services stay at my home with Portea?

With Portea, you customize your newborn and mother care! Choose from flexible options:

  • Quick Support: 4-hour visits offer targeted assistance with specific needs.
  • Extended Help: Full-day (10-hour) care provides comprehensive support during busy periods.
  • Nighttime Comfort: 12-hour nighttime care ensures peaceful sleep for you and your baby.
  • 24/7 Presence: Opt for a live-in caregiver for continuous, around-the-clock support.

Tailor your care plan to perfectly match your unique needs and preferences!

Q –  Are Portea’s caretaker for the newborn baby and mother reliable?

Yes, we do a complete background check of our mother and new born baby care takers before recruiting. Also, we provide them thorough training prior to appointing them to a patient.

Q – What cities offer New Born Baby And Mother Care directly to your home?

You can have the New Born Baby And Mother Care at home in Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad and across other leading tier 1 and tier 2 cities. Access  mother and baby care services at home through Portea Medical Equipment by searching online for “newborn baby and mother care at home near me,”or “delivery care services near me.”

Patient Testimonials



Special thanks to Ms.Gayathri who is taking care of my baby currently. The staff is polite and calm in handling situations and taking care of my baby’s need.



Anita TD has been assigned as an attendant for me and I am extremely delighted with her service. She is really very good with my kids. My kids also like her a lot. Anita is very hardworking ....

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