
nursing care plan for cataract

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How To

nursing care plan – cataract

A cataract is a blurring or clouding of the usually clear lens of the eye. When you watch through cloudy lenses, it feels like you are searching through a frosty or fogged-up window. A cloudy vision can make things more challenging when you read or drive a motor vehicle (especially at night). Cataracts tend to grow slowly and do not bother your vision for some time. But, with eyesight, cataracts will get in the way with time.

symptoms of cataract

  • Primarily, a cataract has very little impact on eyesight. You will apprehend that the vision is getting blurry to some extent, just like observing an impressionist painting.
  • Blurry, hazy vision might signify that you have a cataract.
  • Lights or lamps may look overly bright or glaring. If you happen to drive at night, the oncoming lights may cause even more glare. Colours might not appear as sharp as they used to be. 

causes of cataract

  • The lens inside your eye operates just like a camera lens that helps focuses light. In addition, it helps fine-tune the focus of your eyes. 
  • The lens is completely made from water and protein. The protein is positioned in a specific way that helps keeps your lens clear and allows light to go through it.
  • But, some protein might tramp together and start clouding a small portion of your lens as you age. This can be a cataract. As time goes by, it may develop into a larger thing and cloud most parts of the lens.

types of cataract

  • Nuclear cataracts [cataracts that impact the middle part of the lens] – A nuclear ailment can initially trigger near-sightedness or perhaps a temporary improvement in reading eyesight. But, gradually, it will cloud the vision. Once the cataract develops, the lens will turn into a thickly yellow lens, and with time to brown or yellowing and thus this lens might now result in intricacy differentiating between colour shades. 
  • Cortical cataracts [Cataracts that influence the lens border] – This illness begins as wedge-shaped, whitish, stripes or opacities on the lens’ outer border. The stripes widen into the middle part and hinder light as it advances.
  • Posterior subcapsular cataracts [Cataracts that influence the back of the lens] – A posterior subcapsular cataract starts as a small, unclear area that normally creates near the back of the lens, precisely in the light path. This cataract type causes halos or glares, reduces the patient’s vision and hinders their studying eyesight time. This type of contract often develops. 
  • Congenital cataracts [cataracts that people are born with] – Some individuals are born with a type of cataract whilst others get them during their youth. Both these categories could be heritable or related to infection or injury. They may be a result of particular ailments like myotonic dystrophy type two, galactosemia, or rubella. These cataracts are generally removed swiftly once found.

how to diagnose cataract? 

  • Diagnosis – when it comes to cataract nursing diagnosis, the physician will review the patient’s medical history and signs and carry out an eye examination to determine whether they have a cataract. He/she might run some of the following tests too. 
  • Visual acuity test – This test uses an eye chart to tell how well a person is able to interpret a sequence of letters. Whilst the other eye is covered, the eyes are examined one by one, with a screening apparatus or a graph with increasingly bigger letters. If the eye physician determines that you possess 20/20 vision, it means that you do not have any impairment. 
  • Slit–lamp evaluation – This slit lamp test allows the physician to see the front eye structure. The microscope, also known as a lamp uses an intense light field to light the space between the iris and retina, lens, lens, and cornea. It lets the physician notice these constructions in parts which makes things easier for him/her when it comes to finding any abnormalities that are quite small.
  • A retinal examination – To make sure that you are prepared for this exam, the physician will put some eye drops in your eyes to begin the eye pupils to dilate. This helps your physician to examine the retina’s rear clearly. With an ophthalmoscope, the lens can be easily checked by the eye doctor. 


If your eyesight is unclear, the only helpful treatment for your cataracts is surgery. 

when should you consider opting for a cataract operation?

  • You should talk to your eye physician about when cataract surgery is perfect for you. 
  • It is suggested that you opt for this surgery as soon as it affects your health or gets in the way of your ability to perform daily tasks like reading or driving at night. 
  • It is totally up to your physician and you to decide if this surgery is perfect for you to select. Since this is an elective surgery and doesn’t damage or hurt your eyes, you can get it done any time you want. However, cataracts might worsen if you have diabetes. 
  • The eye physician will suggest examinations to determine whether the cataract you have is advancing if you wish not to go through surgery for now. 

prevention measures for cataract

  • Eat right – There’s nothing you can do about your family history or the age factor, but, you can still make changes to your diet. You can consume foods that have antioxidants like vitamins C and E. If you had caught cataracts recently, this might help slow their advancement. 
  • Quit smoking – Most people are aware of the fact that smoking is injurious to their hearts and lungs, but it is bad for your eyes too. When it comes to cataracts, this is something that you can keep in check. Stopping smoking may help prevent cataracts. 
  • Maintain your blood sugar levels – People with diabetes are inclined to develop eye ailments compared to those who do not possess diabetes. The lens dissolves when the blood glucose levels stay too high for quite a long period. The lens will convert the glucose into sortibol. When this substance gets collected in the eye lens, there’s a chance that a cataract could be formed. 

nursing care plan for cataract

Cataract treatment is composed of intra-operative correction extraction and the lens opacity of deficits. The current trend is to go with the surgery. The following are some post operative nursing care plan for people with cataracts. 

  • Disturbed sensory perception: Visible
  • Danger for Injury
  • If nursing care is offered in the individual’s home after the surgery, the surroundings should be structured with conducive illumination and fall dangers should be reduced.
  • Recommend using magnifying glasses for reading purposes. 
  • Elucidate that sunglasses and light can help reduce glare.
  • Help the person with the day-to-day activities as needed to heal self-care deficit.
  • Nursing interventions for cataracts also includes the invitation of the individual to verbalize or preserve a log of their apprehensions and nervousness on the subject of impending operation or visual loss.
  • You can go online, do your own research on the home-care service providers and then choose an appropriate nurse care plan. 

how can portea assist?

Any patient is better off from the comfort of her/his home, and this is especially true for circumstances wherein long-term nursing care is essential for the patient’s recovery. Portea offers this type of care. They have a group of nurses and caregivers who would visit your home and provide good nursing care plan cataract.

Our nurses are experienced in offering a wide variety of specializations for cataract which includes;

  • Offering medicines on time
  • Making a diet plan
  • Feeding
  • Bathroom assistance
  • Treating and dressing wounds


Q – What are some examples of nursing diagnoses?

A – Impaired swallowing, hazard for impaired liver function, disturbed sleep pattern, urinary retention and reduced cardiac output are some examples of nursing diagnoses. 

Q – How to book a nurse for post-op care for cataract surgery?

A – Post-operative care is quite important for cataract patients since they might get infections easily. You need to hire a nurse to aid in a healthy recovery. You can book a nurse online after going through the reviews. 

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