
managing paralysis patient care to help with movement

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managing paralysis for movement

A condition in the human body that occurs when the body loses control over the muscles or a group of muscles is known as paralysis. This loss of control is basically due to a loss in the strength of the muscles. 

Well, it is quite uncertain, a person can suffer from a gradual paralysis or a sudden one, depending upon the situation. It can remain for a longer time, or fade away with time with the help of treatments and medications. Also, paralysis can affect any part of the body at any time in life.

However, there is no such treatment available for the condition of paralysis. But doctors and health practitioners have come up with some treatments that have movement help for paralysis. This treatment of movements is to ensure that the patient becomes independent in handling objects in daily life. 

A person with paralysis loses motor functions in their body due to neurological injury. As a result, everybody responds differently to paralysis treatment. 

top ways to manage paralysis


Using wheelchairs can be a way to treat paralysis. Well, there are two types of wheelchairs available to treat patients suffering from paralysis, such as manual wheelchairs and automatic wheelchairs.

Patients who are affected in the lower body part due to paralysis can make use of manual wheelchairs. They can make use of their upper body to make all the movements. On the other hand, automatic wheelchairs can be used by patients who are affected in the upper body part and who cannot use their upper portion of the body to make all the movements or to operate the vehicles manually.

Special computers

If a paralyzed patient is a working professional, then there are some special computers made just for patients suffering from paralysis. These special computers can be operated without the use of fingers, which means that they can be operated with the help of customized keyboards. Special computers are formulated in a manner that can be operated by holding a special stick in the mouth. In some cases, these special computers can also be operated with the help of a device on the head that passes the laser beam to the keyboard.

Physical treatment

Physical treatments can be used in many cases to treat the condition of paralysis. These physical exercises can be done with the help of exercises. A physical therapist can help and guide the patient through all the movements and g. 

Under their guidance, you just perform all these exercises so that they can make sure that you are performing them correctly and safely. Moreover, if your paralysis is mild and you can move on your own without any support, then you can probably do so without the help of a physical therapist.

Occupational Therapy

With the help of occupational therapy, you, as a paralysis patient, can develop skills that are necessary to perform self-care tasks. This treatment reduces the risk of secondary complications. In this treatment, the patient is assisted in practicing activities of daily living like eating, walking, grooming, etc.

Speech Therapy

Those who are suffering from facial paralysis can benefit from speech therapy. This treatment strengthens their oral motor muscles and, at the same time, they are guided significantly to speak, breathe, swallow or chew. Moreover, with continuous speech therapy and essential paralysis support, patients can improve their communication and feeding skills.

Mobility aids

People with paralysis struggle hard to walk, stand, and even sit upright. This calls for treatment to heal mobility. For this, doctors or therapists recommend that paralysis patients use as many wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, and canes as they can. This will help them to maintain their balance and, at the same time, help them to move around, minimizing the risk of falling.


Taking treatments and medicines to heal the condition of paralysis, paralysis can lead to secondary complications such as high muscle tone, and pain, and can even lead to depression. However, certain medicines are prescribed to deal with secondary complications. If you think that you are becoming the victim of secondary complications, then you must speak to your doctor to get some medications to heal it.

portea can help paralyzed patients

Paralysis is a condition that cannot be treated with self-treatment. For this, you need to appoint a nursing attendant who will help you with all your movements and will also take care of your schedule of medications. 

Portea also has well-trained, experienced, and top-class nursing attendants who not just have relevant experience in healing and paralysis help for patients but also have the knowledge about paralysis patient care.

If you are looking for a nursing attendant for a person in your family affected by paralysis, contact Portea now.

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